Has it closed?
I have not received any notification that my BTstim Econo has been mailed. I just sent them an email to ask.
The 2B has been getting a lot of bad press lately due to its processing of signals that result in the suppression of files intended to produce pain. I can understand the frustration of webtease authors having to do three to four times the effort just to make sure each type of device works. I look forward to trying many of the original webteases and experiencing them as the authors intended.
I still really enjoy using the 2B, especially for its remote control interface. I like being able to set some limits on settings, although I think that feature can be upgraded a bit.
I have the pleasure of having at least three regular drivers these days, each with their own style. I had another very nice session last night. CS was driving for about an hour. NC just got a Tens unit and is experimenting with it. SS drives less often but it is always a pleasant surprise to have her drop by.
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