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Commander 3

I was busy last night.

I wanted to find at least two settings for the 2B that would work for punishment settings that could be described as overly intense as opposed to sharp and painful.  I settled on two; one with a continuous mode and one with a wave mode.

While I was testing out different modes and settings, I returned to the Milk mode.  I remember not liking it earlier, but I do not think I experimented enough with it to fully understand what it was doing.  It is basically a pulse setting where the rate modulates from slow to fast and back again.  As the pulse slows, it becomes deeper and stronger, edging you to orgasm, and the pulse makes you contract like you were trying to push out cum.  The lighter and quicker pulses give you a bit of a rest without allowing you to lose your erection.  Visually, its fun to look at, as your cock twitches at the same rate as the pulses; fast, then slow, and repeat.

I added a set of Milk parameters to my bio for my driver to make use of.

Something else I did was experiment with the recording feature.  I mentioned earlier that I wanted to create my own commander files using an application.  I was surprised to find out that the commander file was just a simple text file with a series of setting changes and number of seconds before the next setting change. 

I see one problem with the way it is set up.  When you start recording, the file does not capture the initial mode, rate, or feel settings.  That means that you might be recording at a continuous mode, and then begin playing a file while in a pulse mode.  It could be worse if you were recording in low power mode, and then started the file while in a high power mode.  So, it might be a good idea for a recording session to always begin with a capture of all the current settings.  If E-Stim the company won't change the application, then it would be a good idea for the person using the application to run through all the settings, change them to what they want to start with (even if it means changing it and changing it back), so that the file will always play as you intended it.

Now that I know how the commander file is constructed, I am thinking about how to design an app to randomly generate a session within a given set of parameters.

Ultimately, it would be great to combine it with a flash program with Mistresses. 


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