to those who wait.
I might actually get driven while in selfbondage tomorrow. Of course my driver might not be able to make it. The house will be empty and we are set to start at about 11 eastern. I will use a combination of a timer lock and the combination lock box. Wrists will be secured with both, in serial. The timer will be set for 2.5 hours. My driver can give me the combination for release any time she is done with me, However, if our connection is dropped, I will get released no matter what in 2.5 hours.
Of course, I will maintain an emergency release.
In other news. a flash author at Milovana produced another estim program. It is specifically designed for selfbondage, with tease and torture and is fully adjustable.
If my driver is unable to make it, I will certainly be trying it out.
I might actually get driven while in selfbondage tomorrow. Of course my driver might not be able to make it. The house will be empty and we are set to start at about 11 eastern. I will use a combination of a timer lock and the combination lock box. Wrists will be secured with both, in serial. The timer will be set for 2.5 hours. My driver can give me the combination for release any time she is done with me, However, if our connection is dropped, I will get released no matter what in 2.5 hours.
Of course, I will maintain an emergency release.
In other news. a flash author at Milovana produced another estim program. It is specifically designed for selfbondage, with tease and torture and is fully adjustable.
If my driver is unable to make it, I will certainly be trying it out.
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