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Final touches

The Selfbondage volume control program is almost ready.

The tease portion of the program works, but the cum part just does not do it.

The rest periods are too long.  I need to rethink the patterns.  Shorter rest periods and longer periods where the volume is high.  The trick is to try and have a predictable build up period and a reliable section that will cause me to cum.  I am trying to avoid having too long of a post-orgasm torture session.

I hope to have a new pattern completed for Wednesday.  For the next several weeks, I will be on camera on Wednesday mornings.  I would rather have a trusted driver control my unit while bound, but barring that, I will resort to using audio files and a program.

I tested displaying the volume level through split cam and it worked well.  I also have a second camera I can use.  If I have a driver, I might create a jig to train the camera on the 2B display. This way the audience can see the setting and volumes.

Speaking of drivers, another estimmer, SR, was kind enough to have his regular driver visit me.  I shared what tips and tricks I have discovered for estim through my experiences with MD. Unfortunately, MD was unavailable last weekend, but this new driver did offer me a very nice session.  Perhaps she would be willing to drive me occasionally.  I will need to check with MD if she would be willing to provide this new driver with moderator privileges and let her be the driver is she happens to come by first and agrees to drive for a bit.  My usual agreement with other people that want to try driving is to let them, but with the understanding if my moderator drops by, I need to cut them off.

I will see how it goes with this new person.  I also would not want to impact SRs opportunity to be driven. 


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